Past and current projects - Silviculture and forest management
Preparation of a decision sheet and a literature review on site preparation for the establishment of yellow birch
Client: MFFP
Comparative analysis of UAF 073-52 planning 2014-15 and 8 cutting scenarios by COS
Client: Pontiac MRC and MFFP
Analysis of the impact of the modification of the boundaries of the Lanaudière management units on timber supply
Client: CRÉ de Lanaudière
Assessment of the sensitivity of wild leek (Allium tricoccum) to selection cutting
Client: Ministry of Natural Resources and Wildlife
Coordinator for the development of a silvicultural guide for Eastern White cedar
Client : Maibec
Spatially explicit optimization of the allowable cut in hardwood forests in the Laurentians
Client: Lauzon Exclusive Wood Flooring, Scierie Carrière
Explore and validate a silvicultural treatment for sugar stands on poor sites
Project in collaboration with FERIC, IQAFF and MRNF
Client: Commission régionale sur les Ressources naturelles et du Territoire de l'Outaouais (CRNRTO)

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