Past and current projects - FSC Certification
FSC audits (2023)
Client : Prefered by nature and SAI Global
Full support in managing FSC forest management certificates and chain of custody (2023)
Client : Le Groupe Crête inc.
Assessment of high conservation value forests (2022)
Clients : Le Groupe Crête, OGEFL
Gap analysis for protected areas (2020)
Clients : Le Groupe Crête, OGEFL and Chantier Chibougamau
Elaboration of a complementary document to the forest management plan as part of the FSC certification process (2011)
Client : Scierie Jean Riopel inc.
Implementation of the FSC certification on the FMU 073-51 (2011)
Clients : Lauzon planchers de bois exclusifs, AbitibiBowater, Bois nobles Ka'N'Enda et Produits Forestiers Laurentiens
Advising on the implementation of FSC certification on intramunicipal public lands (2010-2011)
Client : MRC des Collines-de-l’Outaouais.
Maintenance work on the FSC Chain of Custody (2011)
Client : Fortress Specialty Cellulose
Implementation of the FSC certification on the forest management unit (FMU) 072-51 (2008)
Clients : Lauzon planchers de bois exclusifs, Papiers Fraser Canada, Scierie Claude Forget
Implementation of the FSC certification on the forest management unit (FMU) 064-52 (2008)
Clients : Lauzon planchers de bois exclusifs, Papiers Fraser Canada, Scierie Claude Forget

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